Animals in Summer: Pacific Chorus Frogs

Animals in Summer: Pacific Chorus Frogs

Here at the Nature Preserve, summer means listening to the Pacific Chorus Frogs sing in the evening as we pack up for the day. Also known as the Pacific Tree Frog, these amphibians have a reputation for being some of the loudest singers in Washington’s forests....
Native Plant of the Month: Columbines

Native Plant of the Month: Columbines

With curling petals and dramatic coloration, the columbine flower is one of the most stunning native wildflowers in Washington state. These perennial beauties are identified by the petals that give them their scientific name. Columbines are members of...
The Cedar River Watershed

The Cedar River Watershed

Washington State is home to two coastal mountain ranges. When alpine peaks bud up against the open ocean, the result is lots of precipitation! King County is among a limited number of lucky communities in the United States who draw drinking water from an unfiltered,...