Our Mission:

SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve acquires and restores critical lands to permanently protect and steward dwindling wildlife habitat while engaging and educating all.

Position Description

SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to habitat preservation, community environmental education, and land stewardship in South King County. SHADOW has openings for Board Members with financial, accounting, law, resource management, communications, or nonprofit fundraising expertise. SHADOW’S Board governs the organization and is responsible for executing its mission. The Board manages organizational finances and sets long term priorities for programs, and oversees the Executive Director, who is responsible for day-to-day management of the organization. Terms are for three years and can be renewed with the consent of the Board.

Time Commitment: 4 – 8 hrs./month.


Ideal candidates will:

• Have a passion for the preservation of open space and wildlife habitat

• Understand & be able to communicate the benefits that SHADOW’s protected lands

provide to the local community, wildlife, and climate

• Help develop new fundraising strategies and identify opportunities that will advance our

mission and vision


Key responsibilities may include:

• Advance and actively promote SHADOW’s mission and vision, including contributing

thoughtful ideas and expertise

• Represent the organization and help build SHADOW’s community support

• Be informed about SHADOW’s mission, services, policies, staffing needs and programs

• Ensure effective organizational planning

• Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies and the Fiduciary Commitment

• Actively participate in all board activities. Including but not limited to:

o Participate in monthly board meetings (virtual or in person)

o Serve on a committee

o Take on special assignments if necessary

Email Max Prinsen, Board President, if you would like to apply!