
SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve strives to permanently protect land and wildlife habitat in the area surrounding Shadow Lake and adjacent, a rapidly urbanizing area of Southeast King County. SHADOW currently stewards 109 acres of habitat that includes Shadow Lake Bog and other wetland haitats. However, our land preservation efforts are not done, we are still working to protect and restore more vulnerable habitat. Learn more about our preservation work.


SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve’s restoration practices are aimed at the preservation of healthy and complex ecosystems as a community resource.  SHADOW works with local community members and partners to accomplish our restoration and land management goals. Visit our Restoration Page to learn more about our ongoing restoration projects and stewardship programs.


SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve offers a variety of environmental education programs to students of all ages. We offer fieldtrips for K-12 classes or groups, community Guided Nature Walks, and a variety of classes. Check out our Education Programs today!