For more than 20 years, SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve has worked to protect the natural areas surrounding Shadow Lake in King County. The Shadow lake area is home to an array of local wildlife as well as one of the most unique and sensitive habitats found in Washington State—a 10,000-year-old peat bog. SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve actively ensures the protection of this valuable, beautiful, and special area by restoring wildlife corridors and the functioning of Shadow Lake Bog within the local watershed while engaging all in our community in a shared conservation ethic.
When you support SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve, you help ensure the benefits we enjoy today—clean water, clean air, and green space to experience hope, peace, and rejuvenation—exist for the animals we coexist with and for the generations that come after us. We hope you join us!
Please contact us at info[at]shadowhabitat.org with any questions about sponsorship opportunities.

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!