Join Seattle Audubon on a guided bird walk through SHADOW Lake Nature Preserves grounds.
As you walk, you will learn about local bird identification and get to know SHADOW’s ground as you go.
Come with weather appropriate clothes and shoes for moderate levels of walking – inclines or uneven ground may be encountered on this walk. Bringing binoculars is encouraged!
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Program Registration’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Which type of Education Program are you registering for?’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Restoration Work Party,Guided Nature Walk,Community Class,Seasonal Event’/][contact-field label=’What is the date of the program you are registering for?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comments’ type=’comments’/][/contact-form]
Happy Independence Day! We hope your celebrations are joyous and nature filled! SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve's trails, the Richter Education Center, and office will be closed in observance of the holiday. We will reopen on Friday.