Before the days get too much shorter please join us here at SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve to observe some of our marvelous and mysterious native bat species. We are partnering with the Woodland Park Zoo to host their ongoing summer Bat Activity Trends citizen science program. Zoo representatives will give an informational presentation about the importance of bats to our ecosystem, and then we will head to the observation sites to monitor bat activity for an ongoing study. This may be the last event of the season, so be sure to sign up! For more information about Bat Activity Trends visit We will ideally be split into two groups, one near the water and one in the uplands. Preliminary reports show several active species out foraging at sunset! This is a FREE event, just follow the link below to get signed up. No Fields Found.
Happy Independence Day! We hope your celebrations are joyous and nature filled! SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve's trails, the Richter Education Center, and office will be closed in observance of the holiday. We will reopen on Friday.