Pacific Jumping Mouse – Zapus trinotatus
As one of nine native mouse and rat species in the state of Washington, the Pacific jumping mouse finds its ideal habitat in the riparian-deciduous woodlands of SHADOW. This mouse is naturally drawn to peaty ground, moist meadows, and thicker understories where it can forage for grass, seeds, berries, and insects.
To identify them, most rely on their difference in size. Larger than other species in the region, their contrasting darker coat with a lighter underside sets them apart from others. The Pacific jumping mouse also has well-developed hindlegs much longer than its forelegs.
Pacific jumping mice have some unique behavior that make them unique. They are known to have nervous and high-strung dispositions and even can vibrate their tail rapidly against the ground to produce a drumming noise when irritated or fighting. Each summer, they construct woven, dome shaped nests in the grass. In fall, they work to double their bodyweight in preparation for torpor, a shorter state much like hibernation in which they spend the winter.
Most unique and their namesake though is their ability to jump up to 5 feet! This behavior is used mainly to escape predators, but they can also be seen hopping shorter distances when agitated or traveling in meadows.
Most unique and their namesake though is their ability to jump up to 5 feet! This behavior is used mainly to escape predators, but they can also be seen hopping shorter distances when agitated or traveling in meadows.
To learn more:
Volunteer, Meaghan Baumgartner
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