In the world of conservation, people work tirelessly to restore and promote healthy environments, but how can we ensure that the land we all love will be enjoyed by generations to come? Landowners specifically, have a powerful tool to do this called a conservation easement.

Conservation easements are legal agreements that create a permanent regulation on the land use of a specific area and determine what level of development, if any, can happen on the property. These agreements can be made between a landowner and a land trust or a government agency. Land is protected through conservation easements for many different reasons e.g. the area has scenic value, significant biodiversity, outdoor recreational purposes, or educational value. Although the agreement changes the future purpose of the land, the landowner retains many conventional private property rights.


The specific nature of a conservation easement can be determined by the needs of a landowner, but its main purpose is often to permanently protect the land from future development. Therefore, by eliminating the prospect of future land development, a conservation easement can be extremely valuable in preservation efforts. Conservation easements are one way to protect the land that we enjoy and value. More and more landowners every year place property into conservations easement because of the benefits they provide, the flexibility they offer, and the positive environmental impact that they have for humans and wildlife.


Here at SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve, we focus on protecting a variety of habitats, while firmly establishing a foothold in the future. One way that we can ensure the longevity of the progress we are making today is by placing land in conservation easements, guaranteeing that the grounds can be protected and treasured for years to come.