SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve is pleased to introduce our 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan—Branching Out! 

The lush forests and abundant water of Shadow Lake area are home to an array of local wildlife, including many species of birds, amphibians, and mammals. This area is also home to one of the most unique habitats found in Washington State—a 10,000-year-old peat bog. With all the beauty, wonder, and value found in this special place, it continues to be threatened by fragmentation and degradation due to human activities.  
For more than 20 years, SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve has worked to protect the natural areas surrounding Shadow Lake, with emphasis placed on restoring wildlife corridors and the functioning of Shadow Lake Bog. Our work quickly expanded with the realization that the land we care for is only truly protected when everyone in our community understands the value and is empowered to care for our shared environment.  
Our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, Branching Out, lays the framework for growing our impact sustainably and responsibly. Fundamentally, we remain focused on protecting natural areas of most importance, such as the extraordinary peat bog, and are excited to take steps towards meeting the high standards of conservation through the Land Trust Alliance Accreditation process. In addition, we’re greatly looking forward to responding to the needs of our community in order to engage everyone in this important work.  
When you support SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve, you help ensure the benefits we enjoy today—clean water, clean air, and green space to experience hope, peace, and rejuvenation—exist for the animals we coexist with and for the generations that come after us. We hope you join us. 