Young Sustainability: Coffee

Young Sustainability: Coffee

We always have new opportunities to form good habits, but a new year feels like a great time to explore our practices. In this article of Young Sustainability by former SHADOW Intern, Isabella Boparai, she explores the negative effects of coffee on rainforest and ways...
Habitat Habits

Habitat Habits

Many of us start off our new year with resolutions or habits we want to adopt or goals that we want to accomplish. People have been making promises or resolutions going as far back as the Babylonians, some 4000 years ago, celebrating their new year in March. With the...
Join us Forest Bathing!

Join us Forest Bathing!

The times I feel most calm are during a backpacking trip or when foraging for mushrooms. These are a few of the rare times that my thinking slows and I am reminded of the large scale of nature, making my little problems seem less important. It has been proven time and...
Spicy Steps in the Forest Shadows

Spicy Steps in the Forest Shadows

You may have seen dark, heart-shaped leaves cascading down a slope under conifer trees in the deep forest. Or perhaps you have spied a carpet of hearts peeking out of a snowy bank in the woods. I have discovered Wild Ginger in several spots throughout the Pacific...