Welcome, Alex!

We have a new member of the SHADOW staff! Alex Hardy is our new restoration and education manager. Having a passion for environmental protection, she graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a degree in Environmental Studies. Since then, she has...

Boardwalk Closure

SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve is sad to announce the closure of the boardwalk trail due to fallen trees from the most recent windstorm. This trail is an essential part of SHADOW’s grounds and mission as it is the only way into the bog on the property. This trail...

Match Campaign Results

At the end of last year SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve asked our grassroots community to help us to make the most of a matching gift opportunity and the response was overwhelming!     Thank you all so much for the continued support and commitment to preservation,...

The Octopus Tree

Some of the trees here at SHADOW are hundreds of years old. Standing tall, sharing nutrients, weathering storms. These beings were growing tall while the original inhabitants of the wetland harvested Bog Tea, settlers changed the landscape, and when the land received...

2018 Overview

This year with the help and support of our grassroots community, SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve…    Received a Natural Heritage Designation from the Department of Natural Resources. Became a research site for an EPA funded study on bogs. Broke ground on...