Serviceberry – Amelanchier alnifolia Western service berry, Saskatoon, or Juneberry is a beautiful woody species that can be spotted throughout most of Canada and western North America because it can grow in a plethora of areas including open forests, stream banks, and prairies. Serviceberry typically is seen in open, sunny area but can tolerate some shade. An easy way to identity it is by the small serrations on its thin, round leaves. When it blooms in the spring, the small white flowers are shaped like stars.
Saskatoon is adored for its usefulness. This plant and their edible berries are enjoyed by wildlife and people alike. Serviceberry plants are a favorite of both elk and deer while birds enjoy eating the berries. Indigenous Americans use the durable wood for digging sticks, arrows, and prescribed burns to encourage resprouting from the root crown. The berries themselves can be used in pies and jelly or can be eaten fresh or dried.
If you are looking to grow serviceberry in your yard, choose a sunny or slightly shaded location. Although it can tolerate drought conditions, this plant does best with supplemental watering for the first few years or until the shrub is established. Incorporating this native plant in your yard will provide your backyard wildlife with an important food source and it works well in providing privacy or in a hedgerow.
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Western Serviceberry
Amelanchier Alnifolia
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