Young Sustainability: Fast Fashion

Young Sustainability: Fast Fashion

As we continue to be mindful of our practices, we continue to change our habits and improve the environment. Did you know that many products can be unstable, due to the company’s materials and practices? However, many companies today are taking the initiative to...
How do you frolic?

How do you frolic?

“Frolicking” means to play and run about happily. “[Mariel Zech] would elaborate on that definition to posit that frolicking is the art of surrendering to our desire to have fun through movement, and to express our appreciation for the experience we’re...
Young Sustainability: Fire Season

Young Sustainability: Fire Season

Hello and Happy Summer! I am happy to introduce Young Sustainability, a new feature column from SHADOW’s Teens in Public Service Intern, Isabella Boparai. Last newsletter you met Isabella, and learned of her great interest in environmental preservation, social...
Know Your ‘Why’

Know Your ‘Why’

Know your why in July and be inspired all year long! There are many catch phrases out there about finding out what drives or inspires you, one that I have most recently heard and relate to is “Know Your Why.” We start our lives asking lots of whys, much to the chagrin...
Highlighting volunteer projects

Highlighting volunteer projects

As a not-for-profit organization, SHADOW operates with a small staff. But keeping your neighborhood nature preserve operating smoothly and available to the public is dependent on additional help from our volunteers. Many hands make light work, as the saying goes! The...