Happy 2023!

Happy 2023!

We’ve returned from our holiday break and the Nature Preserve is once again open to visitors. Please note that we are continuing to use our reservation system, so sign up and pay us a visit! What a winter we have had so far: ice storms and wind brought down many...
The Christmas Bird Count Digression

The Christmas Bird Count Digression

This is an exciting time of year for so many reasons. The final days leading up to the Solstice mark the shift from days shortening to lengthening, which also brings a sense of renewal and hope. Here at SHADOW, we will be ending 2022 with an annual tradition, which is...
Water Quality Month

Water Quality Month

National Water Quality Month has officially begun, reminding us of the incredible importance of clean water. Take a moment and think about all the ways that we depend on available clean water. It goes well beyond just filling up a glass from the kitchen sink. The...